It doesn’t matter how, but your first step is to contact me. We can chat, Zoom, or both. We’ll figure out if we’re a match by asking the right questions together.


    Together, we’ll develop a plan and the steps necessary to implement it. Your confidence and direction will improve and you’ll start to see real results.


    Periodically, we’ll meet. We’ll zoom, FaceTime, or grab a cup of coffee. We’ll focus on progress, implementation, and tweaks. As you evolve, so does your plan.



Technically, no.

But most of my clients believe I am.



Business is inseparable from life, and life is inseparable from business.

When you fix one you often fix the other.  


fail less, grow faster, have more fun.

My coaching has changed the life and business trajectories of hundreds of business owners.

Business coaches traditionally do things like tear open the books, do volumes of left-brain research, and analyze work behaviors. Sometimes, those things work; but, unless you peel back the curtain and expose the emotional, reasoning side, success can be virtually unreachable.

I have 25+ years’ worth of experience in strategic planning, analysis, management, and the operations and behaviors of entrepreneurs and nationally recognized companies.


How useful is an exceptionally deep toolbox of expertise? Not very, unless we work together to reveal the tangible and emotional obstacles that prevent the move ‘from survive to thrive’.


I’ve built expertise in brand focus, product and service optimization, customer loyalty, operations, and market development.

My mission is to help entrepreneurs have more fun AND achieve their business goals faster by helping them tackle the obstacles that hold their businesses back.

Disciplined analysis, process consistency and sound planning can drive great business change and improvement. One of my most rewarding accomplishments is helping to drive profitable growth with less painful businesses processes.

And, I never use ‘fancy consultant talk’ or mind-numbing statistics.


Bright Ideas Matter

What holds entrepreneurs back?

Often, it’s a failure to focus on the right things, and missing the target of asking the right questions. Perspective is everything. I help businesses ask the right questions focused on improving growth and profitability.  I love helping people embrace the emotional noise, decipher the parts that are blockers, and get down to the core opportunities and issues.

I’ll help find, fine-tune, and bring your bright ideas to life!